Opening SVG, DWG, PSD, DXF, EPS, CDR, PNG, PDF, and TIFF in Illustrator

Sharing and opening files of different formats is a challenge most graphic designers face. If you are an Adobe Illustrator user, read on to find out which not-so-common formats you can open on the program (SVG, DWG, PSD, DXF, EPS, CDR, PNG, PDF, and TIFF).

Can Illustrator open as SVG?

Illustrator can create, save and open SVG files. Here is how to open as SVG with Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator and choose File > Open (Ctrl/Cmd + O)
  2. Then navigate to the SVG file location
  3. Select your file and click Open, and the SVG file should open in Illustrator.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the SVG file and select “Open with Adobe Illustrator.” Then click Open, and Illustrator should open your SVG file.

The scalable vector graphic (SVG) file is a standard graphics file type used to render two-dimensional graphics, charts, and illustrations on websites. 

Looking for how to save as SVG in Illustrator?

Can Illustrator open as DWG?

Yes, Illustrator can Open DWG files.  to open as DWG in Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator and choose File > Open (Ctrl/Cmd + O)
  2. Then navigate to the DWG file location
  3. Select your file and click Open

In the DXF/DWG Options menu, check the “Scale to Fit Artboard,” then click Okay, and the DWG file should open in Illustrator. 

Alternatively, you can right-click on the DWG file and select “Open with Adobe Illustrator.” Then click Open, and Illustrator should open your DWG file.

DWG file is a 2D or 3D vector image drawing created and used with CAD programs such as AutoCAD. 

Need to convert an Illustrator file to DWG?

Can Illustrator open as PSD?

Yes, you can open PSD files with Illustrator. To open PSD files with Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator and choose file> Open
  2. Then navigate to the file location
  3. Select your PSD file and click Open

In the Photoshop Import Options menu, check the “Convert Layers to Objects” and “Import Hidden Layers,” then click Okay, and the PSD file should open in Illustrator. 

Alternatively, you can right-click on the PSD file and select “Open with Adobe Illustrator.” Then click Open, and Illustrator should open the PSD file.

Note that Adobe Photoshop is the most suitable program to create and open PSD files.

Need to save Photoshop files as .ai or other formats?

Can Illustrator open as DXF?

Yes, Adobe Illustrator can open DXF files. Here is how to open as DXF with Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator and choose file> Open
  2. Then navigate to the file location
  3. Select your DXF file and click Open

Alternatively, you can right-click on the DXF file and select “Open with Adobe Illustrator. Then click Open, and Illustrator will open the DXF file.

Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) is a vector CAD data file format created with AutoCAD. DXF files are easy for you to share drawing data and text-based formats using different CAD applications.

Can Illustrator open as EPS?

Yes, You can use Illustrator to open EPS files. To open as EPS in Illustrator:

  1. Open Illustrator and choose File > Open (Ctrl/Cmd + O)
  2. Then navigate to the file location
  3. Select EPS file and click Open

Alternatively, you can right-click on the EPS file and select “Open with Adobe Illustrator.”

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a standard graphics file format for putting drawings and images in a PostScript document. EPS is a postscript program saved as one file and includes a preview of the low-resolution graphics that make it accessible to programs that cannot edit the script inside. 

Can Illustrator open as CDR?

No, Illustrator cannot directly open CDR files.

If you want to access Illustrator CDR files, open the file in CorelDraw and export it as Adobe Illustrator (AI) file. This way, you will be able to access the file in Illustrator with full editing features.

CorelDraw is the most suitable program that you can use to create, save and open CDR (CorelDraw) files.

Can Illustrator open as PNG?

Yes, Illustrator can open PNG files. Here are a few steps on how to open PNG in Illustrator:

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator
  2. Choose File > Open (Ctrl/Cmd + O)
  3. Select the PNG file on your computer and click Open 

Can Illustrator open as PDF?

Yes, you can open PDF files in Illustrator and edit text by choosing file> Open (Ctrl/Cmd + O). Select your PDF file and click Open. In the PDF Import Options, you can choose a page range or check All if it is a multi-page PDF file.

Need to convert PDFS to JPG? Here’s how to do so in Photoshop.

Can Illustrator open as TIFF?

Yes, You can use Illustrator to open TIFF files

How to open a TIFF file with Adobe Illustrator:

  1. Open your Illustrator
  2. Select Ctrl/Cmd + O or choose File > Open
  3. Navigate to the TIFF file location on your computer
  4. Click Open, and it will be loaded to Illustrator
  5. In the TIFF Import Options, check Convert Layers to Objects and Import Hidden Layers
  6. Click OK, and Illustrator will open the TIFF file

Tag Image File Format (TIFF) is a file that stores high-quality raster graphics like digital or scanned documents. TIFF files are becoming popular and widely used in printing and publishing. 

Need to edit TIFF and other files in Photoshop?


Adobe Illustrator can open many file formats. You can use Illustrator to open SVG, DWG, PSD, DXF, EPS, PNG, PDF, and TIFF files. For files that cannot open directly with Illustrator, like CDR file, you can first open them with the program used to create them and export them as AI or any other format accessible by Illustrator.